
Addison West

Our goal is to have people feel grounded and great. Great about their spaces. Great about their homes, their lives, and their gifts - both what they give to themselves and what they give to others. We really want to...
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Trek Bikes - Mountain Bikes - 300x250

Our goal is to have people feel grounded and great. Great about their spaces. Great about their homes, their lives, and their gifts - both what they give to themselves and what they give to others. We really want to inspire people to embrace the best of what they have, while at the same time encouraging them to try new, to mix things up.

Why the name Addison West? Well, most simply, we live on West Street in Addison County, Vermont. Addison County is a remarkable area. It’s an area grounded in the earth and landscape. It's surrounded by mountains, full of farms and dairy cows and amazing, resilient, people. And the idea of the West has always seemed to inspire exploration, new places, the undiscovered. So our ethos is all about the grounded, the historical, the foundational, and at the same time inhabiting the magic of what’s new and what’s possible. 

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Summer Itineraries: 48 Hours on Stratton Mountain

What to do, where to stay, and what to eat - the inside scoop on how to make the most out of your next weekend in the mountains.
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Salute to The Season

Summer Itineraries: 48 Hours on Stratton Mountain

What to do, where to stay, and what to eat - the inside scoop on how to make the most out of your next weekend in the mountains.
Sponsored by Stratton Mountain Resort
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